Saturday, February 2, 2008

New Pictures

I haven't updated in a few days. I've been waiting on my new labels to get here...which they finally did on Thursday. Since then, I've been printing like mad. Hopefully labels and tags for all of my items will be done by tomorrow.

I listed more soap on my shop just a few minutes ago. The last and only two bars I ever listed were sold a couple weeks ago! Speaking of which, I really need to make more soap sometime soon! I'm waiting on a shipment to get here, which has the lye that I need.

I might have just enough to make one more one pound batch this weekend. The next two fragrances of soap that I am going to make are Banana scented and Lemon Poppyseed scented. The Lemon scented bars will obviously have poppy seeds in them as an exfoliator.
Back to my Raspberry Oatmeal soap, though? I've actually been using it nonstop. And I only have three bars left! I never thought I'd actually like using my own homemade soap-but I love it! I've never been so clean. Sometimes I'll take a shower for no other reason than just to use my soap! I'll have to make more of that, soon, as well. I don't think I'll be able to go without it for too long! Here are some recent pictures I took of it. These are also on my shop now:

I've also been using my scrub quite a bit, too. I've been making this scrub for years now, and have never really used it up until now! I haven't listed these on my shop, yet, but here are a few I just took:

Vanilla Creme:

English Lavender:


Anyway, I'm off to finish more labels and bop around on etsy and Indie Public for a bit!

PS, I figured out what I want to do with my life-I want to do my business and go to school for perfumery! Wish me luck :)


TallGiraffe said...

That soap looks like fudge I could eat!

yellowfish said...

yes, that soap totally looks like fudge! :)

and, the scrubs look awesome...

kathy said...

they really do look delicious :) mmmmm...sooooap

Shannon said...

Your soap looks sooo good! :) And congrats on figuring out what you want to do with your life. :)

shopPOPKO said...

your scrubs look delicious!

Candace said...

Your scrubs look wonderful. Off to check out your Etsy shop.

earth and sun folk said...

looks excellent!!! great blog...nice read :)

oobbles said...

Your photography really makes your soap and scrubs look FANTASTIC!!